Source code for isogeo_xml_toolbelt.utils.xml_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#! python3

    Isogeo XML Fixer - Metadata

    Purpose:     Read a metadata stored into XML ISO 19110 as an object
    Authors:     Isogeo, inspired by the work did by GeoBretagne on mdchecker
    Python:      3.6.x

# #############################################################################
# ########## Libraries #############
# ##################################

# standard library
import logging

# 3rd party library
import arrow
from lxml import etree

# #############################################################################
# ########## Globals ###############
# ##################################

# logging

# #############################################################################
# ########## Classes ###############
# ##################################

[docs]class XmlUtils(object): """Common methods used to parse XML files.""" def __init__(self): """Instanciation.""" super(XmlUtils, self).__init__()
[docs] def xmlGetTextNodes(self, doc: etree._ElementTree, xpath: str, namespaces: dict): """Shorthand to retrieve serialized text nodes matching a specific xpath. :param lxml.etree._ElementTree doc: XML element to parse :param str xpath: Xpath to reach :param dict namespaces: XML namespaces like `lxml.etree.getroot().nsmap` """ return ", ".join(doc.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces))
[docs] def xmlGetTextTag( self, doc: etree._ElementTree, xpath: str, namespaces: dict, key: str ): """Function to get information in tag when information isn't in nodes matching a specific xpath. :param lxml.etree._ElementTree doc: XML element to parse :param str xpath: Xpath to reach :param dict namespaces: XML namespaces like 'lxml.etree.getroot().nsmap' :param key : XML key to find like 'codeListValue' """ tag = doc.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces) if len(tag) > 0: tag = tag[0].get(key, None) else: tag = "None" return tag
[docs] def parse_string_for_max_date(self, dates_as_str: str): """Parse string with multiple dates to extract the most recent one. Used to get the latest modification date. :param str dates_as_str: string containing dates """ try: dates_python = [] for date_str in dates_as_str.split(","): date_str = date_str.strip() if date_str != "": date_python = arrow.get(date_str) dates_python.append(date_python) if len(dates_python) > 0: return max(dates_python) except: logging.error("Date parsing error: " + dates_as_str) return None
# ############################################################################# # ### Stand alone execution ####### # ################################# if __name__ == "__main__": """Test parameters for a stand-alone run.""" utils = XmlUtils()